Become a Froling Boiler Dealer
Dealer Interest Contact Form
There's No Better Time to Become a Biomass Dealer!
Are you seeking a business opportunity in the sustainable energy field? Perhaps you are already selling wood boilers, but now looking for an EPA-approved option that a reputable company backs. Maybe you want a pellet boiler line?
Tarm Biomass offers small, residential pellet boilers, 1.7 million Btu/hr. commercial chip boilers, wood boilers, and everything in between. All products are high-quality products and are provided with ample support.
We seek dealers of many stripes. Some of our dealers are commercial specialists. Other dealers focus on cord wood boilers. Whatever your dealership interests, we'd enjoy discussing the possibilities. Please fill out the Biomass Dealer Interest form below:
Froling Wood Boiler Distributors
20 Manchester St,
Keene, NH
Toll Free: 603-912-1212
Telephone: 603-912-1212
Fax: 603-912-1212
Dealer Interest Form